Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Stray kitties update

Casey, the itty bitty wonder kitty protested being in the garden the past few days but, today she roamed around and soaked up the sunshine for over an hour. Then she protested when I brought her in. She is very vocal! I was so happy to see her strut and wobble through the backyard. She even "watered" our plants with the liquid squirts... Luckily it wasn't directly on a plant. Her fecal results came back this morning as negative for parasites. This kitty is so blessed to have been an outside stray and be Leukemia and FIV free with no internal parasites. All of her fleas are finally gone and with some good bathing her coat is shiny and soft. She is on quite a few medicines that the vet said could cause diarrhea and vomiting. She threw up twice this morning and I am not sure if it is from the medicine or because she actually ate some dry food I offered her. Maybe both. She is just about the sweetest kitty. She talks to us all the time. She loves Jacek a lot- probably because he isn't  giving her yucky medicine. He makes sure he's not the only one giving her chicken so, she doesn't completely lean to one of us for lovinz. haha
 She seems to be getting thicker in the middle now and not just her pot belly area. I am very hopeful for a full recovery with her. She is a tough broad! She still has weak back legs but exercised them quite a bit this morning. She was weak a few days ago but after the pet visit and getting an additional blood thinner and prednisolone, her appetite is fully back and she is drinking plenty of water.
 Thank goodness for the donation of paper towels, bath towels and rags because those squirts don't always make it into the litter.

Bruce Willis, the ginger haired scrapper aka Schrapnel is being kept another week to make sure his wounds heal. They decided not to stitch his arm up since part of the wound is in a moving area. We get to pick him up this Saturday morning and I deliver him to my mom this Sunday at my Granny's where we meet for lunch. My mom lives in the country in Shepherdsville. Since Bruce prefers the outdoors and insists on being outside, he can roam around her acreage chasing mice and getting all the love he wants without competition from other kitties. I will help introduce him to her home since he is familiar with my face. He may need to be indoors for a little while during the healing process.

Although Jacek and I miss little Bruce, we were lucky it worked out this way to only have one rehabilitating kitty at our house at a time. It really does take up time and energy to nurse kitties back to health. Our 7 kitties will be happy when they can snuggle in our bed with us again but they are very patient and kind with the process. Dexter and Omen cry in the living room every morning for attention. There is no sleeping past 9:30am in this house.

Dexter, by the way, is the most hyper of our cats. That is just how he has always been. Since his buddy Hari died over a year ago, he has no kitties to keep up with his playfulness. So, I have stepped in and spent more time playing with him. We play tag across the house. I rub him vigorously and then run across the house. He chases me and lays down for more rubbing. Sometimes if he can catch me, he will grab at my legs while I run. He has become more bossy than usual with the other cats since he spent 9 days outside. When we are in the garden he howls at the door. But, he's grounded! Plus we have a real fat racoon that likes to visit all times of day and night to fight the slugs for cat food on the front porch.

Jacek is on a painting job and I don't really know what to do with myself today since we spent 9 days together hunting for Dexter. So far I spent time in the garden with kitty while I had coffee. I do have plans to meet with someone for a custom apron I will be making. I also have plans to meet with other people as well. Since I no longer work at the spa, I have more time to focus on circus and creative arts. But, it sure is hard deciding which thing to focus on! The house has become quite messy since all this kitty stuff so, I think I will start with that. I'd rather go for a bike ride though...


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