Sunday, May 17, 2015

Rainy Day Blogger

Got a chance to see the ginger haired Bruce Willis (Schrapnel) yesterday at Alley Cat Advocates. He is in amazing high spirits and happy and shaved like a circus cat. He gave us lots of lovin and we will see him later this week. He's got a bit more healing to do before he goes to his new family farm. They shaved all of his injury spots and matted hair. They clipped his balls and his ear. He's completely fine with that. They need a little more time to stitch up his arm which the vet originally thought would heal on its own. Currently you can see the muscle so, they are gonna go ahead and give him a few stitches. All the other wounds have healed up perfectly. We called him Bruce Willis aka Schrapnel for obvious reasons- Bruce Willis gets his ass handed to him in every movie but he still wins in the end.

Casey went back to the vet Friday for a checkup. She is weighing over 5 lbs now. They took her off Amoxycillin which could have been contributing to the diarrhea. She started eating some Wellness wet food on her own but vomited quite a bit so we shall continue her favorite food- chicken. She still takes her other meds every day which kills us cuz she doesn't like em. She does like to go outside though and she meows a lot. She is super snuggly but not ready to be around other cats yet. We think she must have gotten stuck in someone's shed over the winter because she has no injuries or disease, just malnutrition and dehydration. The doc mentioned that she has two nodules in her abdomen that could either be cancer or simply swollen lymph nodes.

So, we found ourselves looking up a tree through a friend of a friend at a stuck kitty who had been up there 4 days. We recognized the cat immediately from a LOST craigslist ad from our neighborhood as we grabbed a 20 ft ladder. I climbed up to the top and coaxed her to me. When I got the chance, I grabbed her by the scruff and carefully back down. I handed her to Ember when I got close enough. We immediately got in touch with the owner who was grief stricken and missing this super beautiful cat.


The greatest thing this week besides working in the garden and saving animals was a superb concert. The Pixies were in town at the Palace and we were owed two free tickets from a circus show over a year ago. We were awarded VIP seating right above our favorite band and danced our asses off to the best show ever!

Meanwhile we are working hard in the garden and saving and dreaming of our bus… 

We are growing corn, tomatoes, several types of basil, lemongrass, beans and peas, raspberries and strawberries, carrots, dill, rosemary, lavender, sunflowers, eggplant, cucumbers, okra, peppers, onions, radishes, chives, cilantro, and more. Noms!
Oh.. and a weird Italian vegetable that's supposed to taste kinda like broccoli or cauliflower.. 

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