Thursday, September 3, 2015

Adventures await!

Tomorrow Jen Goodell will join us on Great Day Live! to start the epic bus painting adventure while we circus and side show it up on live television!

Here are the stencils she created:

So rad! We feel like movie stars to have our images painted on a bus!

Saturday from 6pm-? Our bus painting will be continued even more by some of the best graffiti artists (writers) around during this event at Tim Faulkner Gallery:

THEN on Sunday, our great big tour send-off party starts at 3pm where our bus will be painted on even more by some amazing artists including Jen Goodell as she finishes up her pieces. 
Please read all about the event and bring some friends! We will have $20 workshops of balloon animals, fire eating and juggling. Anyone taking a workshop will get into the $3 event free.
Additionally, we still have room for vendors if you would like to participate. If you would like to be included in the lineup of performances, let us know!

We still have Percy the Magnificent and Annabeth that are fosters we need to find forever homes for on Sept 11. Please call Shamrock Foundation if you can give them forever homes together. They are best buds. Percy treats Annabeth like his baby. He grooms her and plays with her. Percy is a very talkative 3-legged kitty who suckles on blankets when he is super happy. He is at least 2 years old. Annabeth is around 4 months old and is shy and playful. She is less shy when Percy is around. With a lot of human interaction, Annabeth becomes more snuggly. She is ready to play anytime all the time!
502-245-6803 or 502-244-4715. Leave a message as Shamrock is an all volunteer organization and return calls as soon as possible.

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